A big thank you to everyone who supported our Wild Days out appeal last Christmas.
As a result of the appeal, events are now starting to take place and children are experiencing the joys of spending time outdoors, enjoying a range of different activities – from bug hunting to den building, going on woodland walks and taking part in outdoor games.

Why are Wild Days Out important?
At TCV, we believe it is important to inspire the next generation to care about the environment, to understand the importance of biodiversity and to get excited about wildlife and nature.
But many children do not get this chance to explore and play outdoors and miss out on building a connection to nature. Research shows that children living in urban, built-up areas and from lower income families do not have access to safe, green spaces in their neighbourhoods, and miss out on the chance to get mucky, go bug hunting and pond dipping. We want to give this opportunity to children growing up in some of the most nature deprived communities around the UK. But we need your help.

To help a child go on a wild day out, please donate £10 and ignite their curiosity in the natural world.
What is a Wild Day Out?
A Wild Day Out includes a range of activities from bug hunting to den building and pond dipping, from campfire cooking to bird spotting, lantern making, planting seeds and taking part in outdoor games and nature-based crafts.
We want to run 52 wild days out events during 2023 and support around 1,500 children. These special days out are targeted at young children attending primary schools in urban, built-up areas throughout the UK and will give the children their first experience of fun, outdoor activities in a safe and welcoming environment.
Why is spending time in nature important?
Our staff and volunteers who deliver events for children see the impact spending time in nature has on children, as they gain confidence, become more curious and shed their fears.
For many children on one of our days out, they arrive feeling nervous or scared being in a new environment but throughout the day, they overcome their fear, becoming more adventurous and leaving with a new interest and having learned new skills.

‘Many children that come on a wild day out have never been to a woodland before and are scared as they expect to find bears in there.’ Chris, Education Project Officer, Skelton Grange Environment Centre
‘It is common for children to be scared of mud and sitting down on the floor in the morning, but by the end of the day, they feel much more at home outdoors, and it’s great to have helped with this process.’ Sophie, Volunteer, Skelton Grange Environment Centre